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Yasuni National Park

One of the most biologically diverse places on the planet, Yasuní National Park lies in the heart of Ecuador's Amazon basin, in the shadow of the Andes. This protected area in eastern Ecuador is home to literally millions of species of plants, birds, insects and mammals. Giant kapok trees, spider monkeys, jaguars, toucans and more characterize this region encompassing an “Untouchable Zone,” designated to protect indigenous peoples and wildlife from environmental and cultural exploitation. 

The Huaroani people who inhabit this area maintained a hunter-gatherer lifestyle until 50 years ago, when missionaries, and oil producers began taking advantage of their land and exploiting their way of life. Since then, the Huaorani have relinquished their nomadic ways, and settled down into smaller communities. Two of the tribes, the Tagaeri and Taromenane, have chosen to live in voluntary isolation from the outside world. They are some of the only isolated peoples in the world today.